Picturematic Photo Booths

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Unique URL For every Session

In a world full of data concerns and GDPR faffery we have to make sure we're well within the rules. To avoid all of the complications, since photographs are also considered personal data it's easiest create a private URL for every client.

Not only are our booths retro cool they are also completely free of digital input on the customer side. There is no touch screen which means we don't have hold any information about our customers, only their images but without names. We could add data capture if we wanted but the compliance that must be followed makes it a full time job to store and regulate that data, that would mean more cost to us and ultimately the customer.

Every session in the Photo Booth creates one GIF, four images and one layout (the print).

These all get sent to our server and magically appear as a unique four digit code on the customer print, for example picma.io/asdf (it's the /xxxx bit that changes for each session).

Having explored all the avenues of data storage and the use of photo booth images this was the safest and most hassle free way to allow instant sharing for customers. If they want to share the link publically, they can but then that's their call and the everyone is happy!

Here at Picturematic we are huge fans of using technology to make things more simple, more elegant and just down right better for everyone. Now for the next idea!