Picturematic Photo Booths

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What will our photo booths look like post Covid-19?

With the world seemingly upside-down we're taking our own steps to make sure our photo booths will be as safe as possible for users as soon as 'normality' returns and our services become available once more.

Firstly and most importantly is understanding the risks and possible ways Covid-19 is transmitted as described on the NHS England website in the two ways as follows...


A fomite is defined as an object that becomes contaminated with infected organisms and which subsequently transmits those organisms to another person. Examples of potential fomites are surfaces, toys, mobile telephones or any inanimate objects.


Respiratory droplets carrying infectious pathogens can transmit infection when they travel directly from the respiratory tract of an infectious individual to susceptible mucosal surfaces of a recipient, generally over short distances. This can be in the form of sneezing, coughing or speaking.

For our photo booths to be operational the venues in which they are placed will need to be open and they will be following their own safety procedures in line with the government guidelines. On top of the venues own measures we will be adding our own notices and hand sanitising stations outside the photo booths to give that extra level of protection to our customers. We ask that every customer uses the hand sanitiser after every photo session to ensure the photo booth doesn't become a point of transmission for virus.

To use our photo booths there is only one button to press and the rest is contactless, this means there is a minimal amount of contact with the hands on the booth.

The printing paper is stored within the machine and is completely clean as they are produced from a roll which is untouched by human hands.

Every day the photo booths will be cleaned by the venue to ensure it's as safe as possible for the next working day.

There is no doubt the world will change forever but we can all do our bit to make sure it's as safe as possible for everyone around us, especially those more vulnerable members of our society.

We hope you're all staying safe and taking care of each other.

Team Picturematic