Photo Booths Aren't A New Thing!

Photo Booths aren't a new thing, in fact they've been around since the patent for the first automated photography machine was filed in 1888 by William Pope and Edward Poole of Baltimore. The first known working version machine was a product of the French inventor T. E. Enjalbert (March 1889). It was shown at the 1889 World's Fair in Paris. See Wikipedia for more detailed information.

It's strange that until around 2012 they didn't see a resurgence and now, you can't move for those horrid wobbly white boxes in the corner at weddings.
Picturematic isn't at all wobbly, plastic or weddings, it's solid, bespoke and for permanent install in venues, clubs, commercial spaces & large scale events like festivals.

Operated solely by a contactless reader it couldn't be easier for clients to jump in and start a session.

As part of our design, we chose to leave out the touchscreen and go with the original style camera behind the mirror design which gives an excellent representation of the cameras field of view. This keeps customer visits quick as they're not swamped with options when they get in.

To bring Picturematic into the 21st century, not only is the camera control system cutting edge, the printing is the very latest in Dye Sublimation technology which is capable of producing dry 6"x4" prints in less than 18 seconds. This barely gives the customer time to exit the booth and turn towards the print slot. The technology doesn't stop there as copies of the print layout, the four images and an animated GIF of the session photos are instantly uploaded to our gallery server and turned into a unique web page which can be accessed by the client within twenty seconds of receiving the print. This then allows them to share their moment with the world in the highest possible quality.

If this all sounds like something you'd like to add to your venue, get in touch here.


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Unique URL For every Session