Booth Simplicity Is The Key

When we originally sat down and planned out our photo booths we new the main focus should be simplicity, after all we’re not reinventing the wheel and the original coin operated booths were our inspiration. In the 50s, 60s & 70s you’d just jump in the booth, pay and then the photo session would start, there was no faffing with buttons, options or colour choices and this was the way we wanted to go.

Simple product advertising on the outside of the photo booth with very simple interior with mirrored glass with a camera behind it at most, light panels for the flash unit to shine through which softened the light to help create high quality beautiful photographs. Four minutes later the customer would grab their image and boom… one happy customer! Now it’s the same thing but BOOP the card or phone, photo session starts and the print appears 25 seconds later as they’re fancy digital printers not wet paper processors like those of days gone by.

The main thing we found when surveying users was that they loved “the old school style, the simplicity and the finished printed image quality”.

Many said that holding the print and looking into that moment was magical and so much nicer than starring at a phone screen.

What more do you need?

During our surveys we also found that nobody asked for drawing options, colour option, in fact, nobody mentioned anything to do with customisation because they raved about the experience and as with all things, if the whole experience is awesome, people are left wanting more because they’re happy with the finished product which comes full of their memory of a day out. A moment of joy and a tangible memory that will last for years to come. Granted we do add a little digital easter egg with the private URL for downloading the high resolution images and a cheeky little GIF of the session but that again is designed to come after the fact and not encroach on the experience of the photo booth session.

We love making people happy and we love to see people using our photo booths. What we love most is being able to take people out of the intense digital world that we all occupy for 90 seconds at a time.


If you would like a Picturematic photo booth in your venue or at your event, please get in touch!


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